Don’t panic and take these simple steps to check your A/C system.
- First if you have a digital thermostat make sure the display is working. If no display be sure to check the batteries. Make sure you turn the system on as well.
- If you can check the indoor and outdoor unit circuit breakers make sure the breakers are in the on position. Sometimes after bad weather a safety breaker may “trip”. A tripped breaker can also be the end result of a more serious problem.
- Check the indoor unit emergency condensate drain pan. If water has filled in the pan there may be a water level safety switch that has shut the unit off to help prevent damage from occurring. If this is the case you can remove water from the condensate drain pan to get your A/C system back cooling. Be cautious when doing this as allowing the system to come back on with a drain issue may lead to damage.
- If all else fails Doug’s is here to serve you. Give us a call at (985) 746-1116 and we will get you back cooling fast!